Java Programming
Web Application Development
Fortran Programming
Development example
Tracking Control System for Satellite |
Mission Instrument Operation Planning System for Earth Observation Satellite |
Behavior Prediction System for a Closed System (Closed Ecoligical Life Support System [CELSS] for Lunar & Mars Base) |
Numerical fluid analysis programming, etc. |
Support for Developing On-board Equipment for Satellite
Support for Evaluating Initial Operation of Ground System for Earth Observation Satellite
Building of Environment for Grid Computing, etc.
Social Networking Service for Space-Related People (SPASE SNS)
Space-related Goods Online Shop
Translation Service Specialized in Space (English-Japanese and Japanese-English translations)
Recruiting and Temporary Staffing Service Specialized in Space-related Business
Office of Manned Rocket Project, Incorporated Nonprofit Organization
Creation of homepage, Flash and WEB 3D
Creation of brochure, poster and tapestry
Service using GeoInformatics